Sunday, December 14, 2008


Capitalism has just gone ridiculously absurd.

Link: SMH/Technology/"Russian Trademarks Winking Emoticon"
Source: Sydney Morning Herald

Thursday, September 4, 2008

status: busy but online

It seems utterly ironic and rather hypocritical to know that you always want to be connected with your peers and colleagues even though you specifically said, "please don't disturb, unless necessary" on your online communication application nickname.

This happens to me all the time. Almost all of my friends would probably know that I don't have an online group meeting at that particular day but I can't help but BE connected, no matter what situations I am in, regardless of time and place, as long as there is a computer in front of me and an internet connection. Moreover, the idea of connectivity (particularly online) has been embedded in me for a long time through my own peer network and also for educational purposes that I find it hard to remain unconnected from the online realm, however hard I want to stay off it.

Even though we can say that the internet as an invention deserve a high praise but the vast abundance and the easy accessibility of its contents scare me. As a person who needs to be connected all the time, rain, hail or shine, I find that I waste a lot more time on this 'invention' than the real work at hand. Like a friend of mine once said the internet "is so shiny" and that is the reason why she could not get off her computer and alas go to bed. But unlike me she has turned off her computer and access to the internet through willpower alone, something that I truly need to embrace a lot more in my life.

Truly, truly need to embrace it after all...